Empowering Pastors: Renewing Churches, Transforming Ministries.

Wind From the West is dedicated to guiding pastors through the journey of renewing declining churches, offering insights, strategies, and inspirational stories to help transition to healthier models of ministry. Together, let’s cultivate thriving congregations, foster vibrant communities, and renew the joy of serving in the sacred calling of pastoral leadership.

I’ve been in a variety of ministry roles for the past 20 years, and it’s clear that churches of all kinds desperately need a revitalizing force, like a “Wind from the West,” to breathe new life into their ministries and congregations.

So a while back, I began making a list of lessons I’ve learned while working as a pastor to help churches go through a season of renewal. As I chatted with other pastors, it became clear that they were grappling with similar issues I had encountered. I started feeling frustrated because there was a lack of attention and support for pastors and leaders who wanted to breathe new life into their congregations. This frustration sparked a calling within me. In my most frustrated moments, when I worried about churches and pastors, it felt like God was saying, “Why don’t you do something about it?”

Recently, I stepped away from full-time pastoral ministry, and I’m thrilled about this opportunity to create discussions and provide resources that can support and encourage pastors to help their churches experience Wind From the West.

What is Wind From the West?

The most basic description is that it will be a blog, a podcast, and a resource library all related to church renewal. My big goal for the project is create resources and a community that encourages and supports pastors.

What will Wind From the West look like?

We’ll have regular blog posts and they’ll tackle different aspects of church renewal. These posts will be followed by podcast episodes where we really dig into each topic. And you know what? I don’t claim to have all the answers. That’s why I’m gonna invite pastors and church leaders to join me on the podcast and share their experiences. Plus, I’m also working on creating or sharing resources that’ll give pastors and church leaders the tools they need to invite their church to experience a Wind from the West.

Make sure to share this project with any pastors or church leaders who are passionate about local church renewal. It is such a crucial work right now and no one should be left to do that work alone.


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