Starting an Emmaus Road Gathering can be a rewarding endeavor that combines worship, community, and shared meals. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Prayer and Discernment

Begin with prayer and discernment. Seek guidance from your faith community and spend time in prayer to understand if starting an Emmaus Road Gathering is a calling for you and your community.

Research and Learning

Explore existing Emmaus Road Gatherings to understand their practices and experiences. Learn from other’s successes and challenges.

Define Vision and Mission

Clearly define the vision and mission of your Emmaus Road Gathering What is the purpose, and what do you hope to achieve? Articulate the values and goals of your community

Gather a Team

Form a dedicated and passionate team to help you in the planning and execution of the Emmaus Road Gathering. This team can include individuals with various skills, such as event planning, cooking, and community outreach

Community Engagement

Engage with your local community to understand its needs and interests. Build relationships with neighbors and other community groups. This will help tailor your Emmaus Road Gathering to meet the specific needs of your community.

Choose a Location

Decide on a suitable location for your Emmaus Road Gathering. It could be in an existing church building, a community center, or even a home. Consider the size, accessibility, and atmosphere of the venue.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Ensure that you comply with any legal and regulatory requirements for starting a religious or community organization in your area. This may involve obtaining necessary permits or approvals.

Decide Upon a Worship Format

Emmaus Road Ministries provides a liturgy template and gathering resources in the ERM Resource Library. You may determine to use them exactly as written or modify them to meet your needs.

Plan the Meals

Plan the meals carefully. You may choose to have potluck-style dinners where attendees contribute dishes, or you could have a rotating schedule for volunteers to prepare meals. Ensure that the meals accommodate various dietary preferences and restrictions.

Promote Your Gathering

Use various channels to promote your Emmaus Road Gathering, such as social media, community bulletin boards, and word of mouth. Consider hosting open houses or promotional events to introduce your Emmaus Road Gathering to the community.

Evaluate and Adjust

After your Emmaus Road Gathering is up and running, regularly evaluate its effectiveness. Seek feedback from attendees and be open to making adjustments to better meet the needs of your community.

Remember, starting an Emmaus Road Gathering is a journey that requires flexibility, openness, and a genuine commitment to building a community centered around faith and shared meals.


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